Are You A Straight-A Student Or A Last-Minute Crammer?
How do you typically study for exams
I start studying weeks in advance
I study a few days before the exam
I cram the night before
I don't study at all and hope for the best
How organized are your notes?
My notes are neatly organized
My notes are somewhat organized
My notes are a jumbled mess of scribbles
I don't take notes
How do you manage your time?
I use a planner to schedule my time
I try to manage my time, but I often get distracted
I procrastinate most of the time
I don't really manage my time
How do you feel about deadlines?
I meet deadlines early
I meet deadlines on time
I sometimes miss deadlines
I frequently miss deadlines
How do you handle stress and pressure?
I stay calm and focused during hard times
I get a little stressed but manage it well
I get overwhelmed
I avoid stressful situations