How Many People In Your School Secretly Admire You?
How do your friends describe you?
The life of the party
The most intelligent
The most calming and quiet
The most creative and original
Do you feel comfortable at your school?
Yes, comfortable and happy
I mostly feel comfortable
I don’t, but I tolerate it
Definitely no, I hate it there
What’s your favorite thing to do at school?
Learn new things
Talk to my friends
Extracurricular activities
Daydream and zone out
Which quality do you value the most in your classmates?
Loyalty and honesty
Support and understanding
Fun and adventures
Intelligence and creativity
Do you feel like a lot of people are looking at you at school?
Yes, I often feel like people are staring at me
Sometimes, but not all the time
No, I don't think people notice me much
I haven't notice