Will Your Future Baby Be An Angel Baby Or A Bad Guy Baby?
How do you usually handle conflict?
Stay calm and talk it out
Walk away and think
Get emotional and vent
Confront head-on
How do you feel about rules?
I follow them strictly
I bend them when necessary
I like to break them
I try to avoid them
What would you do if someone treated your loved ones badly?
Defend them calmly
Get angry but stay composed
Confront the person fiercely
Stay out of it
How do you react to compliments?
Humble and grateful
I accept with a smile
I try to downplay it
I get a bit embarrassed
How would you describe your patience level?
Very patient, I take my time
Fairly patient, but I have limits
I’m usually impatient
I have very little patience
How do you show affection to those you care about?
Through words and actions
With small gestures
I show love in private
I’m not very affectionate