What % Does My Crush Love Me?
How does your crush react when he sees you?
a) He smiles broadly and comes over to greet you.
b) He greets you enthusiastically but goes about his business.
c) Greets you shyly and then looks away.
d) Barely notice you and keep talking to other people.
How often does your crush text or talk to you on social media?
a) Every day, sometimes he initiates the conversation.
b) Several times a week, mainly when they need something.
c) Occasionally, responding to your messages.
d) Rarely, rarely initiates the conversation.
How does your crush behave when you are in a group together?
a) Actively seeks you out to share time.
b) You are included in the conversation but also talked to others.
c) He pays attention to you only when you participate in the conversation.
d) Seems more interested in others and ignores you a little.
How does your crush look at you when you think you are not looking?
a) With a tender look and smile on his lips.
b) With a friendly expression, but not particularly affectionate.
c) You don't notice a special look, he seems distant.
d) He rarely looks at you or seems disinterested.
How willing is your crush to make plans with you?
a) He is always willing and seeks opportunities to spend time together.
b) Sometimes accepts your invitations if he has no other plans.
c) Occasionally accepts, but seems less than enthusiastic.
d) He usually has excuses or prefers to be busy.
How does your crush react when you mention things you like or are interested in?
a) He pays close attention and asks for more details.
b) Listens politely but doesn't go into much depth.
c) Seems distracted or not that interested in your interests.
d) Changes the subject quickly or doesn't show interest.